Traditional Education

Follows a set curriculum
Children learn the same thing at the same time
Educational toys and worksheets support learning
Set curriculum informs teaching
Teacher directed learning – children are passive participants and learn through listening
Information given in groups
Blocks of time for activities
Creative activities – group focused and teacher directed – follows a timetable
Same age groups
Encourages and promotes learning through play/dramatic/pretend
Teachers have Early Years Training

Montessori Education

Follows the natural development of the child
Children learn at their own pace
Montessori specially prepared materials support learning
Dr. Montessori’s theories of child development informs teaching
Child directed learning – children are active participants and learn through hands on exploration and discovery
Information given to individuals or small groups
Uninterrupted periods for activities give opportunity for repetition
Creative activities – Children choose between a variety of activities and experiences – available at all times
Mixed age groups – peer teaching
Real life focus- life skills
Teachers have Montessori Training